Interpersonal Mentorship Programme

NISSU gives you a Mentorship Programme for your specific training and education needs. Under this Technical support Portal you will find a team of dedicated peer mentors willing to provide technical support and backstopping.

Benefiting from the mentorship programme entails six steps>

    1. Identify your personal training needs (search your Self-assessment Tool (SAT)) 
    2. Visit NISSU membership database to identify the potential mentor 
    3. Complete the mentorship service application form 
    4. In return, you will receive the initial Expression of Interest to Assists (EOTA) from a First Intending Mentor (FIM)
    5. Enter mentor-mentee relationship, and discuss the modalities time/timing, frequency of contact. 
    6. Once the mentorship is complete you are required to complete the Mentor Click  the Evaluation Form