
Why is it necessary to become a NISSU member? 

Professional networking begins when you become a NISSU member. Becoming affiliated to this professional network/association means that you have a multitude of resources, services, information and opportunities. You will have free access to: 

  • Professional networks 
  • Vast wealth of technical knowledge, skills, experience, professional support, and positive attitude offered by your peer mentors 
  • Learning materials in the form of project reports, eLearning materials (e-books, policies/laws, academic publications, videos, webinar)
  • Personal growth opportunities, including further training opportunities, scholarship opportunities, job opportunities, internships, and volunteer work
  • Professional conduct 
  • Platform to showcase your professional skills and experience

 What are the types of Professional Memberships?

For a person to be affiliated to NISSU must register as a member. NISSU offers different types of membership that comes with different status and benefits. The membership application process varies depending on the different type of membership one is seeking. The different membership levels include; Ordinary Member, Associate Member, Fellow, Honorary Fellow, Corporate or Group Membership, and Member Emeritus.

  • Ordinary Member

An Ordinary Member is an individual who has relevant academic and/or professional qualifications in the field of social sciences or relevant field, with career interest in the field of consultancy of infrastructure development and management, or an individual who is actively engaged in consultancy of infrastructure development and operation, or an individual actively engaged in NISSU activities for a minimum of 2 years, and has benefited from basic training in infrastructure social sciences. An Ordinary Member has voting rights. 

  • Associate Member

An Associate Member is an individual Social Scientist who has relevant academic and/or professional qualifications, actively engaged in consultancy of infrastructure development and management for a maximum period of 5 years, actively engaged in NISSU activities for a maximum of 5 years, and/or has benefited from significant amount of training in infrastructure social sciences.

  • Fellow Member

A Fellow is an individual recognised by the NISSU to have made a truly significant contribution to NISSU and its objectives and goals. A Fellow must be nominated by other NISSU members. The process of becoming a Fellow is managed by the NISSU Fellowship Committee. Fellowship is reserved for only full members of NISSU. A Fellow member should have served as a change agent and social entrepreneur.

  • Honorary Fellow

An Honorary Fellow is an individual recognized by NISSU to have rendered outstanding services to the aims of NISSU in general, due regard being paid to the fact that this is the highest honor the network can bestow. An Honorary Fellow is chosen by the Board of Directors (BOD) and Advisory Board upon request from the Senior Management of NISSU.

  • Corporate or Group Membership

This is for groups of five (5) or more named members that wish to apply for ordinary membership status as group or an institution. It provides a discount on the individual membership fee for full members. Group members have same rights as individual ordinary members in meetings and other considerations. Group membership is approved by the Executive Director (ED) in consultation with senior management.

  • Member Emeritus

This type of membership is accorded to retired BOD, or founders, or Executive Advisory Board